Home » Kondrashov
Saikin A. A., A. Y. Drozdov, A. N. Jaynes, D. Kondrashov, A. Boyd, Y. Y. Shprits, (2025), The Role of Local Acceleration and Radial Diffusion in Multi-MeV Electron Flux Enhancements, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 130, e2024JA033180, doi:10.1029/2024JA033180, e2024JA033180 2024JA033180
2024Drozdov A., A. Saikin, Q. Schiller, A. Jaynes, D. Kondrashov, Y. Shprits, (2024), Statistical Analysis of Radiation Belt Electron Phase Space Density Profiles: From KeV Up to Multi-MeV, AOGS 2024, July 23 – 28
Drozdov A. Y., A. Saikin, Q. Shiller, A. Jaynes, D. Kondrashov, Y. Y. Shprits, (2024), Distribution of Phase Space Density Minima in Earth’s Radiation Belts: Multi-MeV and Seed Electrons, IMC-IV, IMC-IV, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, 2024
Drozdov A., A. Saikin, H. J. Allison, Y. Shprits, D. Wang, Q. Schiller, D. A. Kondrashov, (2024), Loss and Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons and Their Corresponding Dynamic of Phase Space Density Profiles, TESS 2024, Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS) 2024, April 7-12, 2024, Dallas, Texas, United States
Kondrashov D. A., A. Drozdov, (2024), Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification for Incorporating Nonlinear Wave-particle Interaction Effects into the Versatile Electron Radiation Belts (VERB) Code, (poster), TESS 2024, Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS) 2024, April 7-12, 2024, Dallas, Texas, United States
Kondrashov D., A. Y. Drozdov, Y. Shprits, (2024), Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interaction Effects on Radiation Belt Electron Dynamics in 9 October 2012 Storm, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 129, e2024JA032898, doi:10.1029/2024JA032898, e2024JA032898 2024JA032898
2023Drozdov A. Y., Y. Y. Shprits, D. Kondrashov, B. Haas, Q. Shiller, D. Wang, A. Saikin, S. Cervantes Villa, A. Castillo Tibocha, (2023), Data assimilation of the radiation environment with the Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code, LMAG 2023
Drozdov A. Y., H. J. Allison, Y. Y. Shprits, M. E. Usanova, D. Wang, Q. Shiller, A. Saikin, A. Jaynes, D. Kondrashov, (2023), Loss and Acceleration of Radiation Belts Electrons and Corresponding Dynamic of Phase Space Density Profiles, Space Physics Seminars, Rice University, November, 2023
Drozdov A. Y., D. Kondrashov, K. Strounine, Y. Y. Shprits, (2023), Reconstruction of electron radiation belts using data assimilation and machine learning, Frontiers In Astronomy And Space Sciences, 10, doi:10.3389/fspas.2023.1072795
Drozdov A. Y., H. J. Allison, Y. Y. Shprits, M. E. Usanova, D. Wang, Q. Shiller, A. Saikin, A. Jaynes, D. Kondrashov, (2023), Loss and Acceleration of multi-MeV Electrons and Their Corresponding Dynamic of Phase Space Density Profiles, (invited), Isradynamics 2023, Dead Sea, Israel
Kollmann P., X. Zhu, E. Roussos, A. Drozdov, D. A. Kondrashov, C. Paranicas, I. Jun, D. Wang, B. Mauk, (2023), Constraining MeV electron intensities at the Gas Giant planets, (poster), AGU 2023 Fall Meeting, SM23E-2868
Kondrashov D. A., A. Drozdov, K. Strounine, (2023), Reconstruction of electron radiation belts using data assimilation and machine learning, (poster), AGU 2023 Fall Meeting, NG13B-0637
Kondrashov D., A. Drozdov, Y. Shprits, (2023), Reconstruction of Electron Radiation Belts Using Machine Learning and Data Assimilation, (poster), AOGS 2023, July 30 – August 04
Saikin A., A. Drozdov, A. N. Jaynes, D. A. Kondrashov, Y. Shprits, (2023), The role of local and radial diffusion in multi-MeV electron acceleration., (poster), AGU 2023 Fall Meeting, SM51C-2569
Saikin A. A., A. Y. Drozdov, A. Jaynes, D. Kondrashov, Y. Y. Shprits, (2023), The role of local and radial diffusion in multi-MeV electron acceleration, GEM Summer Workshop 2023, June 11-16, 2023
2022Drozdov A., D. Malaspina, H. Zhu, A. Saikin, D. Kondrashov, D. Vech, (2022), Plasmaspheric Hiss Parameterized by Plasmapause Location, July 14, 2022, GFZ, July, 2022
Kondrashov D., K. Strounine, A. Drozdov, Y. Shprits, (2022), Neural Network Model for Specification and Data Assimilation of Radiation Belts Environment, (poster), 44rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16 July – 24 July, 2022, Athens, Greece
Kondrashov D., A. Y. Drozdov, D. Vech, D. M. Malaspina, (2022), Prediction of plasmaspheric hiss spectral classes, Frontiers In Astronomy And Space Sciences, 9, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.977801
Saikin A., A. Drozdov, A. N. Jaynes, D. A. Kondrashov, Y. Y. Shprits, (2022), Local Acceleration in multi-MeV electron enhancement events, AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, SM42D-2207
Schiller Q., Y. Y. Shprits, A. Drozdov, D. A. Kondrashov, K. Strounine, (2022), An OSSE Using the VERB Code for Outer Electron Radiation Belt Situational Awareness, AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, SM25C-1999
Shprits Y., D. Wang, D. Kondrashov, L. Rastaetter, Y. Zheng, (2022), Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code at CCMC, 2022 CCMC Workshop, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland on June 6 – June 10, 2022.
2021Kondrashov D., A. Drozdov, Y. Shprits, (2021), Neural Network Model for Specification of Radiation Belts Environment, Iceaa-ieee Apwc-usnc URSI RSM 2021, August 9-13, 2021
2018Kellerman A., Y. Shprits, R. McPherron, D. Kondrashov, J. Weygand, H. Zhu, A. Drozdov, (2018), The radiation-belt electron phase-space-density response to stream-interaction regions: Multi-point observations, data-assimilation, physics-based modeling, and forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2018, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8159
2017Kellerman A., Y. Shprits, D. Kondrashov, H. Zhu, A. Drozdov, (2017), Data assimilation and forecasting of radiation-belt electrons, EGU General Assembly 2017, EGU2017, proceedings from the conference held 23-28 April, 2017 in Vienna, Austria., p.11188
Kellerman A. C., Y. Shprits, R. L. McPherron, D. A. Kondrashov, J. M. Weygand, H. Zhu, A. Drozdov, (2017), The radiation-belt electron phase-space-density response to stream-interaction regions: A study combining multi-point observations, data-assimilation, and physics-based modeling, AGU 2017 Fall Meeting
Shprits Y., I. S. Zhelavskaya, A. C. Kellerman, M. Spasojevic, D. A. Kondrashov, M. Ghil, N. Aseev, A. M. Castillo Tibocha, J. S. Cervantes Villa, C. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, (2017), Obtaining Global Picture From Single Point Observations by Combining Data Assimilation and Machine Learning Tools, AGU 2017 Fall Meeting
2016Kellerman A., D. Kondrashov, Y. Shprits, T. Podladchikova, A. Drozdov, (2016), Reanalysis and forecasting killer electrons in Earth’s radiation belts using the VERB code, 41st Cospar Scientific Assembly, abstracts from the meeting that was to be held 30 July – 7 August at the Istanbul Congress Center(ICC), Turkey, but was cancelled.,Abstract id.# PRBEM.1-7-16.
2015Kellerman A. C., Y. Shprits, D. A. Kondrashov, T. Podladchikova, A. Drozdov, D. Subbotin, R. A. Makarevich, E. Donovan, T. Nagai, (2015), Three-dimensional data assimilation and reanalysis of radiation belt electrons: Observations over two solar cycles, and operational forecasting., AGU Joint Assembly 2015, SM52A-05
Kellerman A. C., Y. Shprits, D. A. Kondrashov, T. Podladchikova, A. Drozdov, D. Subbotin, R. A. Makarevich, E. Donovan, T. Nagai, (2015), Three-dimensional data assimilation and reanalysis of radiation belt electrons: Observations over two solar cycles, AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 December
Kondrashov D. A., M. Chekroun, M. Ghil, X. Yuan, M. Ting, (2015), Data-driven Analysis and Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice, AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 December
Shprits Y., A. C. Kellerman, T. Podladchikova, D. A. Kondrashov, M. Ghil, (2015), Data assimialation for real-time prediction and reanalysis, AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 December
2014Kellerman A. C., Y. Y. Shprits, D. Kondrashov, T. Podladchikova, A. Y. Drozdov, D. Turner, (2014), Radiation belt electron reanalysis over two solar cycles: comparative modeling and analysis of several geomagnetic storms, 40th Cospar Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia, 2-10 August.
Kellerman A. C., Y. Y. Shprits, D. Kondrashov, D. Subbotin, R. A. Makarevich, E. Donovan, T. Nagai, (2014), Three-dimensional data assimilation and reanalysis of radiation belt electrons: Observations of a four-zone structure using five spacecraft and the VERB code, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 119, 8764-8783, doi:10.1002/2014JA020171
Kellerman A. C., Y. Y. Shprits, G. Stephens, D. Kondrashov, A. Y. Drozdov, T. Podladchikova, (2014), MLT-Dependent 3D reanalysis of radiation belt elections: quantifying errors in current and future magnetic field models, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 14-18 December
Kellerman A. C., Y. Y. Shprits, D. Kondrashov, D. Subbotin, T. Podladchikova, A. Y. Drozdov, (2014), 3D reanalysis: a global measure of radiation belt state, GEM Summer Workshop 2014, Portsmouth, VA, June 15-20.
Kellerman A. C., Y. Y. Shprits, D. Kondrashov, T. Podladchikova, A. Y. Drozdov, (2014), MLT-dependent reanalysis of radiation belt electrons: Case studies using several satellites and different magnetic field models, GEM Summer Workshop 2014, Portsmouth, VA, June 15-20.
Kondrashov D., R. Denton, Y. Y. Shprits, H. Singer, (2014), Reconstruction of gaps in the past history of solar wind parameters, EGU General Assembly 2014, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 2 May
Kondrashov D., A. C. Kellerman, Y. Y. Shprits, (2014), Data-driven approach for radiation-belt modeling and prediction, 40th Cospar Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia, 2-10 August.
Kondrashov D., R. Denton, Y. Y. Shprits, H. Singer, (2014), Reconstruction of gaps in the past history of solar wind parameters, Noaa Space Weather Prediction Center, Boulder, Colorado.
Podladchikova T. V., Y. Y. Shprits, A. C. Kellerman, D. Kondrashov, (2014), Noise statistics identification for Kalman filtering of the electron radiation belt observations: 2. Filtration and smoothing, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 119, 5725-5743, doi:10.1002/2014JA019898
Podladchikova T. V., Y. Y. Shprits, D. Kondrashov, A. C. Kellerman, (2014), Noise statistics identification for Kalman filtering of the electron radiation belt observations I: Model errors, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 119, 5700-5724, doi:10.1002/2014JA019897
Podladchikova T., Y. Y. Kellerman, D. Kondrashov, (2014), Optimal smoothing of the electron radiation belts observations using the observation errors identification, 40th Cospar Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia, 2-10 August.
Podladchikova T., Y. Y. Shprits, D. Kondrashov, A. C. Kellerman, (2014), Model error identification for the radiation belt data assimilation, 40th Cospar Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia, 2-10 August.
Podladchikova T., Y. Y. Shprits, A. C. Kellerman, D. Kondrashov, (2014), Kalman filtering and smoothing of radiation belt observations on the basis of model and measurement error identification, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 14-18 December
2013Kellerman A. C., D. A. Kondrashov, T. Podladchikova, A. Y. Drozdov, D. Subbotin, (2013), Multi-Spacecraft Data Assimilation and Reanalysis During the THEMIS and Van Allen Probes Era, GEM Summer Workshop 2013, San Francisco, USA, 2013
Kellerman A. C., D. A. Subbotin, D. Kondrashov, (2013), 3D Data assimilation during the CRRES era March storm, GEM Summer Workshop 2013, THEMIS/ARTEMIS 2013 Spring SWG Meeting, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2013.
Kellerman A. C., D. Kondrashov, D. A. Subbotin, (2013), Multi-point data assimilation using the 3D VERB code and a Kalman filter during the GEM challenge interval, GEM Summer Workshop 2013, Snowmass, CO, 2013.
Kondrashov D. Y., A. C. Kellerman, M. Ghil, (2013), Geomagnetic Reconstruction in Gaps of Solar Wind Parameters by Singular Spectrum Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vol 16, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 2013
Shprits Y., A. Kellerman, D. Kondrashov, D. Subbotin, (2013), Application of a new data operator-splitting data assimilation technique to the 3-D VERB diffusion code and CRRES measurements, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 4998-5002, doi:10.1002/grl.50969
Shprits Y. Y., A. C. Kellerman, D. Subbotin, D. A. Kondrashov, M. Daae, D. L. Turner, (2013), 3D Data assimilation in the radiation belts, AGU Fall Meeting 2013
2012Shprits Y. Y., M. Daae, B. Ni, D. Kondrashov, M. Ghil, (2012), Influence of solar wind and plasmasphere on radiation belts fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 2012
Shprits Y. Y., D. A. Kondrashov, A. C. Kellerman, D. Subbotin, (2012), 3D Data Assimilation using VERB Diffusion Code, AGU 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2012
2011Daae M., Y. Y. Shprits, B. Ni, J. Koller, D. Kondrashov, Y. Chen, (2011), Reanalysis of radiation belt electron phase space density using various boundary conditions and loss models, Advances In Space Research, 48, 1327 – 1334, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2011.07.001
Kondrashov D., Y. Y. Shprits, M. Ghil, (2011), Split-Operator Kalman Filter as an efficient data assimilation method for the radiation belts, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 2011
Kondrashov D., M. Ghil, Y. Shprits, (2011), Lognormal Kalman filter for assimilating phase space density data in the radiation belts, Space Weather, 9, doi:10.1029/2011SW000726
2010Daae M., Y. Y. Shprits, B. Ni, J. Koller, D. Kondrashov, Y. Chen, (2010), Reanalysis of Radiation Belt Electron Phase Space Density using the UCLA 1-D VERB code and Kalman filtering: Sensitivity to assumed boundary conditions and changes in the loss model, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2010
Kondrashov D., Y. Y. Shprits, M. Ghil, (2010), Challenges and Innovations in Data Assimilation for Radiation Belts, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2010
Kondrashov D., Y. Y. Shprits, M. Ghil, (2010), Innovation Approach of Assimilating Radiation Belt Data Into RB Codes, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2010
Kondrashov D., Y. Shprits, M. Ghil, (2010), Gap filling of solar wind data by singular spectrum analysis, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, doi:10.1029/2010GL044138
Shprits Y. Y., D. Subbotin, B. Ni, M. Daae, D. A. Kondrashov, M. Hartinger, K. Kim, K. G. Orlova, T. Nagai, R. H. Friedel, Y. Chen, (2010), Comparison of the 3D VERB Code Simulations of the Dynamic Evolution of the Outer and Inner Radiation Belts With the Reanalysis Obtained from Observations on Multiple Spacecraft, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010
Shprits Y. Y., D. Subbotin, B. Ni, D. Kondrashov, (2010), Understanding the electrons radiation belts using modeling and observations, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2010
2009Kondrashov D., Y. Y. Shprits, (2009), Gap-filling of Solar Wind Parameters by Singular Spectrum Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2009
Kondrashov D. A., M. Ghil, Y. Y. Shprits, (2009), Challenges and innovations in data assimilation for radiation belts, AGU 2009 Fall Meeting, Eos Trans, 90(52), San Francisco, CA, 14-18 December
Ni B., Y. Shprits, T. Nagai, R. Thorne, Y. Chen, D. Kondrashov, H. Kim, (2009), Reanalyses of the radiation belt electron phase space density using nearly equatorial CRRES and polar-orbiting Akebono satellite observations, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 114, doi:10.1029/2008JA013933
Shprits Y. Y., Y. Chen, R. Friedel, D. Kondrashov, B. Ni, D. Subbotin, G. Reeves, M. Ghil, (2009), UCLA-LANL Reanalysis Project, EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2009
Shprits Y., B. Ni, D. Subbotin, A. Kondrashov, M. Daae, M. Thorne, T. Nagai, H. Friedel, Chen, J. Koller, D. Reeves, (2009), Dynamic evolution of the radiation belt phase space density obtained with reanalysis with simultaneous observations from four spacecraft, AGU 2009 Fall Meeting
2008Ni B., Y. Y. Shprits, T. Nagai, R. Thorne, Y. Chen, D. Kondrashov, (2008), Reanalysis of radiation belt electron phase space density using CRRES and Akebono Observations, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, 15-19 December
Shprits Y. Y., Y. Chen, D. Kondrashov, (2008), Reanalysis of relativistic electron phase space density, 37th Cospar Scientific Assembly, p. 2877, Montréal, Canada., 13-20 July.
2007Kondrashov D., Y. Shprits, M. Ghil, R. Thorne, (2007), A Kalman filter technique to estimate relativistic electron lifetimes in the outer radiation belt, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 112, doi:10.1029/2007JA012583
Shprits Y., D. Kondrashov, Y. Chen, R. Thorne, M. Ghil, R. Friedel, G. Reeves, (2007), Reanalysis of relativistic radiation belt electron fluxes using CRRES satellite data, a radial diffusion model, and a Kalman filter, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 112, doi:10.1029/2007JA012579
2006Kondrashov D., M. Ghil, (2006), Spatio-temporal filling of missing points in geophysical data sets, Nonlinear Processes In Geophysics, 13, 151–159, doi:10.5194/npg-13-151-2006
2005Kondrashov D., Y. Y. Shprits, R. Thorne, M. Ghil, G. Reeves, R. Friedel, (2005), Optimal Estimation of Electron Lifetimes in the Outer Radiation Belt, AGU Fall Meeting 2005, San Francisco, CA, 3-9 December
2001Ghil M., M. R. Allen, M. D. Dettinger, K. Ide, D. Kondrashov, M. E. Mann, A. W. Robertson, A. Saunders, Y. Tian, F. Varadi, P. Yiou, (2001), Advanced Spectral Methods for Climatic Time Series, Rev. Geophys., 4