Home » Kollmann et al. 2023

Magnetospheric Studies Will be Critical to Address Interdisciplinary Mysteries at Uranus

Kollmann P., D. Brain, R. J. Cartwright, G. Clark, I. Cohen, J. F. Cooper, A. Drozdov, W. Dietrich, T. K. Greathouse, L. Griton, V. Hue, A. Masters, I. de Pater, F. Pantellini, L. Regoli, E. Roussos, K. D. Runyon, A. H. Sulaiman, D. L. Turner, J. Wicht, (2023), Magnetospheric Studies Will be Critical to Address Interdisciplinary Mysteries at Uranus, LPI Contributions, LPI Contributions, 8150

Authors (sorted by name)

Brain Cartwright Clark Cohen Cooper de Pater Dietrich Drozdov Greathouse Griton Hue Kollmann Masters Pantellini Regoli Roussos Runyon Sulaiman Turner Wicht

Journal / Conference

LPI Contributions


       author = {{Kollmann}, P. and {Brain}, D. and {Cartwright}, R.~J. and {Clark}, G. and {Cohen}, I. and {Cooper}, J.~F. and {Drozdov}, A. and {Dietrich}, W. and {Greathouse}, T.~K. and {Griton}, L. and {Hue}, V. and {Masters}, A. and {de Pater}, I. and {Pantellini}, F. and {Regoli}, L. and {Roussos}, E. and {Runyon}, K.~D. and {Sulaiman}, A.~H. and {Turner}, D.~L. and {Wicht}, J.},
        title = "{Magnetospheric Studies Will be Critical to Address Interdisciplinary Mysteries at Uranus}",
    booktitle = {LPI Contributions},
         year = 2023,
       series = {LPI Contributions},
       volume = {2808},
        month = jul,
          eid = {8150},
        pages = {8150},
       adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023LPICo2808.8150K},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}