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Clark G., J. Kinnison, D. Kelly, P. Kollmann, W. Li, A. Jaynes, L. Blum, R. Marshall, D. Turner, I. Cohen, S. Ukhorskiy, B. Mauk, E. Roussos, Q. Nenon, S. Drozdov, X. Li, E. Woodfield, W. Dunn, G. Berland, R. Kraft, P. Williams, T. Smith, K. Sorathia, A. Sciola, G. Hospodarsky, X. Wu, P. O’Brian, M. Looper, A. Sicard, A. Santo, M. Leary, A. Haapala, F. Siddique, M. Donegan, B. Clare, D. Emmell, K. Slack, J. Wirzburger, D. Sepulveda, L. Roufberg, J. Perry, J. Schellhase, D. Pergosky, L. Able, M. O’Neill, C. Fernandes, D. Chattopadhyay, S. Bibelhauser, S. Kijewski, J. Pulkowski, M. Furrow, (2023), Comprehensive observations of magnetospheric particle acceleration, sources, and sinks (COMPASS): A mission concept to Jupiter’s extreme magnetosphere to address fundamental mysteries in heliophysics, Authorea Preprints, doi:10.22541/essoar.167751608.84818747/v1

Clark G., P. Kollmann, J. Kinnison, D. Kelly, W. Li, L. Blum, R. Marshall, D. Turner, A. (. Ukhorskiy, I. Cohen, B. Mauk, E. Roussos, Q. N{‘e}non, H. (. Smith, G. Berland, W. Dunn, R. Kraft, G. Hospodarsky, P. Williams, X. Wu, A. (. Drozdov, P. O’Brian, M. Looper, X. Li, A. Sciola, K. Sorathia, A. Sicard, A. Santo, M. Leary, A. Haapala, F. Siddique, M. Donegan, B. Clare, D. Emmell, K. Slack, J. Wirzburger, D. Sepulveda, L. Roufberg, J. Perry, J. Schellhase, D. Pergosky, E. Able, M. O’Neill, C. Gernandes, D. Chattopadhyay, S. Bibelhauser, S. Kijewski, J. Pulkowski, M. Furrow, R. Desai, (2023), Comprehensive Observations of Magnetospheric Particle Acceleration, Sources, and Sinks (COMPASS), Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society, 067, doi:10.3847/25c2cfeb.34b800e1


O’Brian T. P., Y. Y. Shprits, J. L. Roeder, J. F. Fennell, S. G. Claudepiere, R. H. Friedel, (2010), Anomalous radial diffusion by pitch-angle scattering on split drift shells: Calculations, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010