Home » Zhelavskaya et al. 2016

Global dynamic evolution of the cold plasma inferred with neural networks

Zhelavskaya I. S., Y. Y. Shprits, M. Spasojevic, (2016), Global dynamic evolution of the cold plasma inferred with neural networks, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, 12-16 December

Authors (sorted by name)

Shprits Spasojevic Zhelavskaya

Journal / Conference

AGU 2016 Fall Meeting


author = {Irina S Zhelavskaya and Yuri Y. Shprits and Maria Spasojevic}, 
year = {2016}, 
title = {Global dynamic evolution of the cold plasma inferred with neural networks}, 
page = {SM33A-2505}, 
booktitle = {AGU 2016 Fall Meeting}, 
series = {San Francisco, 12-16 December} 