Home » Oran and Weiss 2016

Were Chondrite Parent Bodies Magnetized by the Early Solar Wind?

Oran R., P. Weiss, (2016), Were Chondrite Parent Bodies Magnetized by the Early Solar Wind?, AGU Fall Meeting 2016

Authors (sorted by name)

Oran Weiss

Journal / Conference

AGU 2016 Fall Meeting


author = {Oran, R. and Weiss, P.}, 
year = {2016}, 
title = {Were Chondrite Parent Bodies Magnetized by the Early Solar Wind?}, 
journal = {AGU 2016 Fall Meeting}, 
volume = {Fall General Assembly 2016}, 
number = {abstract id.GP23C-1352}, 
page = {}, 
doi = {}, 
note = {}, 