Home » Ruggero Vasile

Ruggero Vasile



2017 – 2022 Scientist, Section 2.8, GFZ
2016 – 2017 Senior Machine Learning Engineer, xBird GmbH, Berlin, DE
2015 – 2016 Scientist, UP Transfer GmbH, Potsdam, DE
2014 – 2015 PostDoc (Marie Curie ER) Project LINC, Amborsys GmbH, Potsdam, DE
2012 – 2014 PostDoc, IFISC, Universitat de las illes Balears, Palma, ES
2012 PostDoc, School of Mathematical Science, University of Nottingham, UK

2008 – 2012 PhD Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, FI
2005 – 2007 MSc Physics, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universita’ di Palermo, IT
2001 – 2005 BSc Physics, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universita’ di Palermo, IT


  1. Shprits Y. Y., I. Michaelis, D. Wang, H. J. Allison, R. Vasile, A. Runov, A. Y. Drozdov, C. T. Russell, V. V. Kalegaev, A. Smirnov, (2023), MLT dependence of relativistic electron scattering into the drift loss cone: Measurements from ELFIN-L on board Lomonosov spacecraft, Authorea Preprints, doi:10.22541/essoar.167898506.66955560/v1
  2. Shprits Y. Y., I. Michaelis, D. Wang, H. Allison, R. Vasile, A. Runov, A. Drozdov, C. T. Russell, V. Kalegaev, A. Smirnov, (2023), MLT Dependence of Relativistic Electron Scattering Into the Drift Loss Cone: Measurements From ELFIN-L on Board Lomonosov Spacecraft, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103342, doi:10.1029/2023GL103342
  3. Bruinsma S., T. Dudok de Wit, T. Fuller-Rowell, K. Garcia-Sage, P. Mehta, F. Schiemenz, Y. Shprits, R. Vasile, J. Yue, S. Elvidge, (2023), Thermosphere and satellite drag, Advances In Space Research, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2023.05.011
  4. Shprits Y. Y., H. J. Allison, D. Wang, A. Drozdov, M. Szabo-Roberts, I. Zhelavskaya, R. Vasile, (2022), A New Population of Ultra-Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Zone, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 127, e2021JA030214, doi:10.1029/2021JA030214, e2021JA030214 2021JA030214
  5. Szabó-Roberts M., Y. Y. Shprits, H. J. Allison, R. Vasile, A. G. Smirnov, N. A. Aseev, A. Y. Drozdov, Y. Miyoshi, S. G. Claudepierre, S. Kasahara, S. Yokota, T. Mitani, T. Takashima, N. Higashio, T. Hori, K. Keika, S. Imajo, I. Shinohara, (2021), Preliminary Statistical Comparisons of Spin-Averaged Electron Data From Arase and Van Allen Probes Instruments, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 126, e2020JA028929, doi:10.1029/2020JA028929, e2020JA028929 2020JA028929
  6. Jackson D. R., S. Bruinsma, S. Negrin, C. Stolle, C. J. Budd, R. Dominguez Gonzalez, E. Down, D. J. Griffin, M. J. Griffith, G. Kervalishvili, D. Lubi’an Arenillas, J. Manners, J. Matzka, Y. Y. Shprits, R. Vasile, I. S. Zhelavskaya, (2020), The Space Weather Atmosphere Models and Indices (SWAMI) project: Overview and first results, J. Space Weather Space Clim., 10, 18, doi:10.1051/swsc/2020019
  7. Shprits Y. Y., R. Vasile, I. S. Zhelavskaya, (2019), Nowcasting and Predicting the Kp Index Using Historical Values and Real-Time Observations, Space Weather, 17, 1219-1229, doi:10.1029/2018SW002141
  8. Zhelavskaya I. S., R. Vasile, Y. Y. Shprits, C. Stolle, J. Matzka, (2019), Systematic Analysis of Machine Learning and Feature Selection Techniques for Prediction of the Kp Index, Space Weather, 17, 1461-1486, doi:10.1029/2019SW002271
  9. Liemohn M. W., J. P. McCollough, V. K. Jordanova, C. M. Ngwira, S. K. Morley, C. Cid, W. K. Tobiska, P. Wintoft, N. Y. Ganushkina, D. T. Welling, S. Bingham, M. A. Balikhin, H. J. Opgenoorth, M. A. Engel, R. S. Weigel, H. J. Singer, D. Buresova, S. Bruinsma, I. S. Zhelavskaya, Y. Y. Shprits, R. Vasile, (2018), Model Evaluation Guidelines for Geomagnetic Index Predictions, Space Weather, 16, 2079-2102, doi:10.1029/2018SW002067

Conference presentations

  1. Kume K., I. Zhelavskaya, Y. Shprits, A. Smirnov, R. Vasile, S. Bianco, (2021), A systematic approach for modeling global VTEC using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-16167
  2. Shprits Y., N. Aseev, A. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, A. M. Castillo Tibocha, I. Zhelavskaya, R. Vasile, F. Effenberger, D. Soergel, I. Michaelis, A. Saikin, (2020), Modeling and Data Assimilation of the Ring Current, Relativistic and Ultra-relativistic Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 3354
  3. Wutzig M., Y. Shprits, N. Aseev, I. Michaelis, H. Allison, R. Vasile, (2020), Using the VERB-4D code for forecasting Earth’s radiation belt and ring current electron dynamics, (invited), AGU 2020 Fall Meeting
  4. Szabo-Roberts M., Y. Shprits, H. Allison, A. Smirnov, N. Aseev, R. Vasile, Y. Miyoshi, T. Mitani, N. Higashio, S. Kasahara, (2020), Statistical Comparisons of Spin-Averaged Electron Flux from ARASE and Van Allen Probes Instruments, (poster), AGU 2020 Fall Meeting
  5. Castillo A. M., Y. Shprits, F. Effenberger, D. Wang, I. Zhelavskaya, N. Aseev, A. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, R. Vasile, I. Michaelis, (2019), Modeling electron dynamics in the inner magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2019, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12405
  6. Shprits Y., N. Aseev, A. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, A. M. Castillo, I. Zhelavskaya, R. Vasile, F. Effenberger, D. Boneberg, I. Michaelis, A. Saikin, (2019), Modeling and Data Assimilation of the Ring Current, Relativistic and Ultra-relativistic Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere, AGU 2019 Fall Meeting
  7. Zhelavskaya I. S., Y. Y. Shprits, R. Vasile, C. Stolle, J. Matzka, (2018), Systematic analysis of machine learning techniques for Kp prediction in the framework of the H2020 project SWAMI, 42nd Cospar Scientific Assembly, July 14–22, 2018, Pasadena, CA, USA
  8. Zhelavskaya I. S., Y. Y. Shprits, R. Vasile, C. Stolle, J. Matzka, (2018), Systematic analysis of machine learning techniques for Kp prediction, (poster), EGU General Assembly 2018, April 8–13, 2018, Vienna, Austria