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Dobynde M., Y. Shprits, S. Aleksandr, V. Shurshakov, (2021), The dependence of the LET-spectra on the shielding thickness inside and outside of the magnetosphere of the Earth, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1882


Dobynde M. I., F. Effenberger, D. A. Kartashov, Y. Y. Shprits, V. A. Shurshakov, (2019), Ray-tracing simulation of the radiation dose distribution on the surface of the spherical phantom of the MATROSHKA-R experiment onboard the ISS, Life Sciences In Space Research, 21, 65-72, doi:10.1016/j.lssr.2019.04.001


Dobynde M., D. Kartashov, Y. Shprits, V. Shurshakov, A. Drozdov, (2018), Advanced depth-dose curves for fast space radiation dose calculation in a spacecraft with complex geometry, 42nd Cospar Scientific Assembly, F2.2-4-18

Dobynde M., D. Kartashov, Y. Shprits, V. Shurshakov, A. Drozdov, (2018), Radiation dose simulations for spherical tissue-equivalent phantom used in the MATROSHKA-R space experiment aboard ISS, 42nd Cospar Scientific Assembly, F2.3-8-18