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Hao Y. -., Y. Y. Shprits, J. D. Menietti, T. Averkamp, D. D. Wang, P. Kollmann, G. B. Hospodarsky, A. Drozdov, A. Saikin, E. Roussos, N. Krupp, R. B. Horne, E. E. Woodfield, S. J. Bolton, (2024), Acceleration of Energetic Electrons in Jovian Middle Magnetosphere by Whistler-Mode Waves, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 129, e2024JA032735, doi:10.1029/2024JA032735, e2024JA032735 2024JA032735
2023Clark G., P. Kollmann, J. Kinnison, D. Kelly, W. Li, L. Blum, R. Marshall, D. Turner, A. (. Ukhorskiy, I. Cohen, B. Mauk, E. Roussos, Q. N{‘e}non, H. (. Smith, G. Berland, W. Dunn, R. Kraft, G. Hospodarsky, P. Williams, X. Wu, A. (. Drozdov, P. O’Brian, M. Looper, X. Li, A. Sciola, K. Sorathia, A. Sicard, A. Santo, M. Leary, A. Haapala, F. Siddique, M. Donegan, B. Clare, D. Emmell, K. Slack, J. Wirzburger, D. Sepulveda, L. Roufberg, J. Perry, J. Schellhase, D. Pergosky, E. Able, M. O’Neill, C. Gernandes, D. Chattopadhyay, S. Bibelhauser, S. Kijewski, J. Pulkowski, M. Furrow, R. Desai, (2023), Comprehensive Observations of Magnetospheric Particle Acceleration, Sources, and Sinks (COMPASS), Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society, 067, doi:10.3847/25c2cfeb.34b800e1
Clark G., J. Kinnison, D. Kelly, P. Kollmann, W. Li, A. Jaynes, L. Blum, R. Marshall, D. Turner, I. Cohen, S. Ukhorskiy, B. Mauk, E. Roussos, Q. Nenon, S. Drozdov, X. Li, E. Woodfield, W. Dunn, G. Berland, R. Kraft, P. Williams, T. Smith, K. Sorathia, A. Sciola, G. Hospodarsky, X. Wu, P. O’Brian, M. Looper, A. Sicard, A. Santo, M. Leary, A. Haapala, F. Siddique, M. Donegan, B. Clare, D. Emmell, K. Slack, J. Wirzburger, D. Sepulveda, L. Roufberg, J. Perry, J. Schellhase, D. Pergosky, L. Able, M. O’Neill, C. Fernandes, D. Chattopadhyay, S. Bibelhauser, S. Kijewski, J. Pulkowski, M. Furrow, (2023), Comprehensive observations of magnetospheric particle acceleration, sources, and sinks (COMPASS): A mission concept to Jupiter’s extreme magnetosphere to address fundamental mysteries in heliophysics, Authorea Preprints, doi:10.22541/essoar.167751608.84818747/v1
Kollmann P., O. Allanson, L. Arruda, G. Berland, L. W. Blum, J. Bortnik, X. Cao, T. Y. Chen, G. Clark, I. Cohen, J. F. Cooper, F. Crary, R. T. Desai, K. Dialynas, A. Drozdov, O. V. Dudnik, W. R. Dunn, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. Huybrighs, C. M. Jackman, A. N. Jaynes, I. Jun, K. K. Khurana, R. Kraft, E. A. Kronberg, S. Lejosne, W. Li, X. Li, L. Liuzzo, Q. Ma, R. Marshall, B. Mauk, Q. N{‘e}non, T. A. Nordheim, C. Paranicas, C. C. Plainaki, L. H. Regoli, E. Roussos, Y. Shprits, A. Siecard, S. Simon, H. T. Smith, K. Sorathia, H. E. Spence, A. Sulaiman, Y. Sun, W. Tu, D. L. Turner, M. E. Usanova, P. Williams, E. E. Woodfield, X. Wu, C. -. Yuan, (2023), Jupiter’s radiation belts as a target for NASA’s Heliophysics Division, Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society, 215, doi:10.3847/25c2cfeb.6eb85c6e
Turner D. L., G. Clark, W. Li, S. Ukhorskiy, L. Blum, I. J. Cohen, P. Kollmann, B. Marshall, G. Berland, A. Y. Drozdov, W. Dunn, G. Hospodarsky, R. Kraft, X. Li, M. Looper, B. Mauk, Q. N{‘e}non, T. P. O’Brien, E. Roussos, H. T. Smith, K. Sorathia, P. Williams, X. Wu, O. Agapitov, J. Albert, H. Allison, D. Baker, J. B. Blake, J. Bortnik, A. Breneman, S. Bourdarie, S. Claudepierre, G. DiBraccio, S. Elkington, J. Fennell, M. Fok, D. Gershman, S. Glauert, J. Halekas, D. Hartley, R. Horne, M. Hudson, A. Kellerman, C. Kletzing, B. Kurth, L. Lanzerotti, Q. Ma, D. Malaspina, A. Masters, N. Meredith, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Omura, V. Pinto, G. Reeves, J. Ripoll, C. Rodger, T. Sarris, R. Selesnick, Y. Shprits, A. Sicard, H. Spence, W. Tu, M. Usanova, E. Woodfield, J. Wygant, H. Zhao, (2023), Cross-scale physics and the acceleration of particles in collisionless plasmas throughout the Heliosphere and beyond: III. Radiation belts, Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society, 400, doi:10.3847/25c2cfeb.7637306e
2022Kollmann P., G. B. Clark, W. Li, A. N. Jaynes, L. W. Blum, R. A. Marshall, E. Roussos, Q. Nenon, G. Berland, W. Dunn, I. Cohen, D. L. Turner, H. T. Smith, A. Drozdov, P. Williams, R. Kraft, G. B. Hospodarsky, A. Ukhorskiy, K. Sorathia, X. Wu, X. Li, B. Mauk, (2022), Heliophysics at the Solar System’s most powerful particle accelerator: the COMPASS mission to Jupiter, AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, SM22E-1956
Kollmann P., G. B. Clark, W. Li, A. N. Jaynes, L. W. Blum, R. A. Marshall, E. Roussos, Q. Nenon, G. Berland, W. Dunn, I. Cohen, D. L. Turner, H. T. Smith, A. Drozdov, P. Williams, R. Kraft, G. B. Hospodarsky, A. Ukhorskiy, K. Sorathia, X. Wu, X. Li, B. Mauk, (2022), Heliophysics at the Solar System’s most powerful particle accelerator: the COMPASS mission to Jupiter, AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, SM22E-1956
Turner D., G. Clark, W. Li, L. Blum, P. Kollmann, A. Jaynes, R. Marshall, A. Ukhorskiy, G. Berland, I. Cohen, A. Drozdov, W. Dunn, G. Hospodarsky, R. Kraft, X. Li, M. Looper, B. Mauk, Q. Nenon, P. O’Brien, E. Roussos, H. T. Smith, K. Sorathia, P. Williams, X. Wu, (2022), Comprehensive Observations of Magnetospheric Particle Acceleration, Sources, and Sinks (COMPASS): A Dedicated Jovian Radiation Belt Mission to Unlock the Secrets of the Solar System’s Greatest Particle Accelerator, 44rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16 July – 24 July, 2022, Athens, Greece
2021Kollmann P., F. Allegini, R. C. Allen, N. Andre, A. R. Azari, F. Bagenal, C. B. Beddingfield, D. Brain, P. Brandt, X. Cao, X. Cao, R. J. Cartwright, G. Clark, I. Cohen, J. F. Cooper, F. Crary, E. J. Leonard, C. Paty, I. de Pater, R. T. Desai, G. A. DiBraccio, W. Dietrich, C. Dong, R. W. Ebert, M. Felici, R. J. Filwett, G. Fischer, D. J. Gershman, M. Gkioulidou, T. K. Greathouse, L. Griton, M. Gritsevich, K. Hibbitts, G. Hospodarsky, V. Hue, G. Hunt, H. L. Huybrighs, M. Imai, C. M. Jackman, J. M. Jasinski, X. Jia, I. Jun, A. Kotova, W. S. Kurth, L. Lamy, J. Lazio, S. Lejosne, C. Louis, A. Masters, B. Mauk, H. Madanian, K. E. Mandt, J. R. McNutt, H. Melin, S. Miller, L. Moore, Q. Nenon, F. M. Neubauer, T. Nordheim, B. Palmaerts, C. Paranicas, P. Phipps, L. Regoli, K. Retherford, L. Roth, E. Roussos, K. D. Runyon, A. Rymer, J. Saur, D. Santos-Costa, Y. Y. Shprits, L. J. Spilker, T. Stallard, A. G. Smirnov, K. Soderlund, S. Stanley, A. H. Sulaiman, J. R. Szalay, D. L. Turner, S. Vines, L. Wang, B. Weiss, J. Wicht, R. J. Wilson, E. Woodfield, (2021), Magnetospheric Studies: A requirement for addressing interdisciplinary mysteries in the Ice Giant systems, Bulletin Of The American Astronomical Society, 073, doi:10.3847/25c2cfeb.d955f654
2020Ripoll J., M. Denton, V. Loridan, O. Santol{‘{i}}k, D. Malaspina, D. P. Hartley, G. S. Cunningham, G. Reeves, S. Thaller, D. L. Turner, J. F. Fennell, A. Y. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, Y. Y. Shprits, X. Chu, G. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, C. A. Kletzing, J. Wygant, M. G. Henderson, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, (2020), How whistler mode hiss waves and the plasmasphere drive the quiet decay of radiation belts electrons following a geomagnetic storm, Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, 1623, 012005, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1623/1/012005
Ripoll J. -., M. Denton, V. Loridan, O. Santolik, D. Malaspina, D. P. Hartley, G. S. Cunningham, G. Reeves, S. Thaller, D. L. Turner, J. F. Fennell, A. Y. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, Y. Y. Shprits, X. Chu, G. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, C. A. Kletzing, J. Wygant, M. G. Henderson, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, (2020), How whistler mode hiss waves and the plasmasphere drive the quiet decay of radiation belts electrons following a geomagnetic storm, Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 012005, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1623/1/012005
2019Malaspina D. M., J. Ripoll, X. Chu, A. Drozdov, H. Zhu, G. Hospodarsky, J. Wygant, (2019), Hiss Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere: Density Dependence and a Diversity of Forms, 0094–0094, doi:10.1109/ICEAA.2019.8879403
Ripoll J., M. Denton, V. Loridan, O. Santolik, D. Malaspina, D. Hartley, G. S. Cunningham, G. Reeves, S. Thaller, D. L. Turner, J. F. Fennell, A. Y. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, Y. Y. Shprits, X. Chu, G. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, C. A. Kletzin, J. Wygant, M. G. Henderson, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, (2019), How whistler mode hiss waves and the plasmasphere drive the quiet decay of radiation belts electrons following a geomagnetic storm, Astronum
2018Ripoll J. F., D. Malaspina, V. Loridan, M. Denton, G. Cunningham, G. D. Reeves, O. Santolik, D. L. Turner, X. Chu, J. F. Fennell, A. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, Y. Shprits, S. A. Thaller, G. B. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, C. Kletzing, J. R. Wygant, M. G. Henderson, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, (2018), On the Importance of Hiss Waves and Plasma Density for Sculpting the 3D (L-shell, energy, pitch angle) Structure of the Radiation Belts during Quiet Times, AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, SM21A-06
2015Zhu H., Z. Su, F. Xiao, H. Zheng, Y. Wang, C. Shen, T. Xian, S. Wang, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, H. O. Funsten, J. B. Blake, D. N. Baker, (2015), Plasmatrough exohiss waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Evidence for leakage from plasmasphere and resonant scattering of radiation belt electrons, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 1012-1019, doi:10.1002/2014GL062964
2014Krupp N., E. Roussos, C. Paranicas, A. Sicard, G. Hospodarsky, Y. Y. Shprits, (2014), Measurments and modeling of the Jovian and Saturnian radiation belts, EGU General Assembly 2014, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 2 May
Krupp N., E. Roussos, C. Paranicas, A. Sicard, G. Hospodarsky, Y. Shprits, (2014), Energetic particles and waves in the outer planet radiation belts, Oxford University Press
Menietti J. D., T. F. Averkamp, J. B. Groene, R. B. Horne, Y. Y. Shprits, E. E. Woodfield, G. B. Hospodarsky, D. A. Gurnett, (2014), Survey analysis of chorus intensity at Saturn, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 119, 8415-8425, doi:10.1002/2014JA020523
Menietti D., R. Horne, Y. Y. Shprits, E. Woodfield, J. Groene, G. Hospodarsky, D. Gurnett, (2014), Sorting and Parameterization of Observed Satrun and Jupiter Chorus Wave Power, EGU General Assembly 2014, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 2 May
Menietti J. D., G. B. Hospodarsky, Y. Y. Shprits, D. A. Gurnett, (2014), Saturn chorus latitudinal variations, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 119, 4656-4667, doi:10.1002/2014JA019914
Su Z., H. Zhu, F. Xiao, H. Zheng, Y. Wang, Z. He, C. Shen, C. Shen, C. B. Wang, R. Liu, M. Zhang, S. Wang, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, H. O. Funsten, J. B. Blake, D. N. Baker, J. R. Wygant, (2014), Intense duskside lower band chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Generation and potential acceleration effect on radiation belt electrons, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 119, 4266-4273, doi:10.1002/2014JA019919
Su Z., H. Zhu, F. Xiao, H. Zheng, Y. Wang, Q. -. Zong, Z. He, C. Shen, M. Zhang, S. Wang, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, H. O. Funsten, J. B. Blake, D. N. Baker, (2014), Quantifying the relative contributions of substorm injections and chorus waves to the rapid outward extension of electron radiation belt, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 119, 10,023-10,040, doi:10.1002/2014JA020709
2012Menietti D. J., Y. Y. Shprits, R. B. Horne, G. B. Hospodarsky, J. F. Carbary, D. A. Gurnett, (2012), Chorus emission and electron acceleration at Saturn and Jupiter, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 2012
Menietti J. D., Y. Y. Shprits, R. B. Horne, E. E. Woodfield, G. B. Hospodarsky, D. A. Gurnett, (2012), Chorus, ECH, and Z mode emissions observed at Jupiter and Saturn and possible electron acceleration, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 117, doi:10.1029/2012JA018187