Home » Sun et al. 2024

A Modeling Study of ≥2 MeV Electron Fluxes in GEO at Different Prediction Time Scales Based on LSTM and Transformer Networks

Sun X., D. Wang, A. Y. Drozdov, R. Lin, A. Smirnov, Y. Shprits, S. Liu, B. Luo, X. Luo, (2024), A Modeling Study of ≥2 MeV Electron Fluxes in GEO at Different Prediction Time Scales Based on LSTM and Transformer Networks, Journal Of Space Weather And Space Climate, doi:10.1051/swsc/2024021

Authors (sorted by name)

Drozdov Lin Liu Luo Shprits Smirnov Sun Wang

Journal / Conference

Journal Of Space Weather And Space Climate


  title={A Modeling Study of ≥2 MeV Electron Fluxes in GEO at Different Prediction Time Scales Based on LSTM and Transformer Networks},
  author={Xiaojing Sun and Dedong Wang and Alexander Yurievich Drozdov and Ruilin Lin and Artem Smirnov and Yuri Shprits and Siqing Liu and Bingxian Luo and Xi Luo},
  journal={Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate},