Home » Guo et al. 2022

Identification of Controlling Geomagnetic and Solar Wind Factors for Magnetospheric Chorus Intensity Using Feature Selection Techniques

Guo Y., B. Ni, S. Fu, D. Wang, Y. Shprits, I. Zhelavskaya, M. Feng, D. Guo, (2022), Identification of Controlling Geomagnetic and Solar Wind Factors for Magnetospheric Chorus Intensity Using Feature Selection Techniques, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 127, e2021JA029926, doi:10.1029/2021JA029926

Authors (sorted by name)

Feng Fu Guo Ni Shprits Wang Zhelavskaya

Journal / Conference

Journal Of Geophysical Research (Space Physics)


  title={Identification of Controlling Geomagnetic and Solar Wind Factors for Magnetospheric Chorus Intensity Using Feature Selection Techniques},
  author={Guo, Y and Ni, B and Fu, S and Wang, D and Shprits, Y and Zhelavskaya, IS and Feng, M and Guo, D},
  journal={Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics},
  publisher={Wiley Online Library},