Home » Drozdov et al. 2024

Modeling of Saturn’s Radiation Environment using the VERB code

Drozdov A. Y., P. Kollmann, Y. Hao, D. Wang, E. Woodfield, (2024), Modeling of Saturn’s Radiation Environment using the VERB code, (invited), IMC-IV, IMC-IV, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, 2024

Authors (sorted by name)

Drozdov Hao Kollmann Wang Woodfield

Journal / Conference





  author = {Drozdov, A. Y. and Kollmann, P. and Hao, Y. and Wang, D. and Woodfield, E.},
  year = {2024},
  title = {Modeling of Saturn’s Radiation Environment using the VERB code},
  booktitle = {IMC-IV},
  series = {IMC-IV, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, 2024}