Home » Bernhard Haas

Bernhard Haas

PhD Student



  1. Haas B., Y. Y. Shprits, M. Wutzig, M. Szabo-Roberts, M. Garcia Penaranda, A. M. Castillo Tibocha, J. Himmelsbach, D. Wang, Y. Miyoshi, S. Kasahara, K. Keika, S. Yokota, I. Shinohara, T. Hori, (2024), Global validation of data-assimilative electron ring current nowcast for space weather applications, Scientific Reports, 14, 2327, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-52187-0
  2. Zheng Y., I. Jun, W. Tu, Y. Shprits, W. Kim, D. Matthiä, M. M. Meier, W. Kent Tobiska, Y. Miyoshi, V. K. Jordanova, N. Y. Ganushkina, V. Tenishev, T. P. O’Brien, A. Brunet, V. Maget, J. Guo, D. Wang, R. B. Horne, S. Glauert, B. Haas, A. Y. Drozdov, (2024), Overview, progress and next steps for our understanding of the near-earth space radiation and plasma environment: Science and applications, Advances In Space Research, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2024.05.017
  3. Wang D., Y. Y. Shprits, B. Haas, A. Y. Drozdov, (2024), Improved Lifetime Model of Energetic Electrons Due to Their Interactions With Chorus Waves, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107991, doi:10.1029/2023GL107991, e2023GL107991 2023GL107991
  4. Haas B., Y. Y. Shprits, J. Himmelsbach, D. Wang, A. Y. Drozdov, M. Szabó-Roberts, M. Hanzelka, (2024), Modeling Pitch Angle Dependent Electron Precipitation Using Electron Lifetimes, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 129, e2024JA032554, doi:10.1029/2024JA032554, e2024JA032554 2024JA032554
  5. Haas B., Y. Y. Shprits, H. J. Allison, M. Wutzig, D. Wang, (2023), A missing dusk-side loss process in the terrestrial electron ring current, Sci. Rep., 13, 970, doi:10.1038/s41598-023-28093-2
  6. Bianco S., B. Haas, Y. Y. Shprits, (2023), PINE-RT: An operational real-time plasmasphere model, Frontiers In Astronomy And Space Sciences, 10, 67, doi:10.3389/fspas.2023.1116396
  7. Haas B., Y. Shprits, H. Allison, M. Wutzig, D. Wang, (2022), Which Parameter Controls Ring Current Electron Dynamics, Frontiers In Astronomy And Space Sciences, 9, 911002, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.911002
  1. Haas B., Y. Y. Shprits, J. Himmelsbach, D. Wang, A. Y. Drozdov, M. Szabó-Roberts, M. Hanzelka, (2024), Modeling Pitch Angle Dependent Electron Precipitation Using Electron Lifetimes, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 129, e2024JA032554, doi:10.1029/2024JA032554, e2024JA032554 2024JA032554
  2. Haas B., Y. Y. Shprits, M. Wutzig, M. Szabo-Roberts, M. Garcia Penaranda, A. M. Castillo Tibocha, J. Himmelsbach, D. Wang, Y. Miyoshi, S. Kasahara, K. Keika, S. Yokota, I. Shinohara, T. Hori, (2024), Global validation of data-assimilative electron ring current nowcast for space weather applications, Scientific Reports, 14, 2327, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-52187-0
  3. Haas B., Y. Y. Shprits, H. J. Allison, M. Wutzig, D. Wang, (2023), A missing dusk-side loss process in the terrestrial electron ring current, Sci. Rep., 13, 970, doi:10.1038/s41598-023-28093-2
  4. Haas B., Y. Shprits, H. Allison, M. Wutzig, D. Wang, (2022), Which Parameter Controls Ring Current Electron Dynamics, Frontiers In Astronomy And Space Sciences, 9, 911002, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.911002

Conference presentations

  1. Drozdov A. Y., Y. Y. Shprits, D. Kondrashov, B. Haas, Q. Shiller, D. Wang, A. Saikin, S. Cervantes Villa, A. Castillo Tibocha, (2023), Data assimilation of the radiation environment with the Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code, LMAG 2023
  2. Wang D., Y. Y. Shprits, O. V. Agapitov, A. Drozdov, H. J. Allison, T. Lepage, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Kasahara, B. Haas, J. D. Menietti, A. Saikin, Y. Hao, I. Shinohara, A. Matsuoka, A. Kumamoto, S. Matsuda, F. Tsuchiya, S. Nakamura, (2022), The Distribution and the Effect of Chorus Waves in the Earth’s and the Jupiter’s Radiation Belts, AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, SM56B-01