Home » AGU 2008 Fall Meeting


Kellerman A. C., R. A. Makarevich, (2008), Response of high-energy particle precipitation to substorm onset, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 December

Ni B., Y. Y. Shprits, T. Nagai, R. Thorne, Y. Chen, D. Kondrashov, (2008), Reanalysis of radiation belt electron phase space density using CRRES and Akebono Observations, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, 15-19 December

O`Brien T., Y. Shprits, A. Subbotin, H. Friedel, (2008), Eigen mode analysis of energy and pitch-angle diffusion of energetic electrons in the outer zone: 0.1-5 MeV, AGU Fall Meeting 2008

Oran R., V. Sokolov, I. Roussev, A. Frazin, I. Gombosi, (2008), 4D Model for MHD Wave Turbulence in the Solar Corona and Solar Wind, AGU Fall Meeting 2008

Shprits Y. Y., L. Chen, A. Ukhorskiy, R. Thorne, (2008), Simulations of pitch-angle scattering of relativistic electrons with MLT-Dependent diffusion coefficients, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, 15-19 December

Subbotin D., Y. Y. Shprits, M. Gkioulidou, S. Merkin, F. Toffoletto, R. Thorne, C. Wang, L. Lyons, (2008), RCM-VERB coupled simulations of the dynamics of the radiation belts during storms, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, AUG, 15-19 December.

Ukhorskiy A. Y., Y. Y. Shprits, B. J. Anderson, R. M. Thorne, (2008), The role of EMIC waves in the outer radiation belt losses, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, 15-19 December