Home » AGU 2005 Fall Meeting


Kondrashov D., Y. Y. Shprits, R. Thorne, M. Ghil, G. Reeves, R. Friedel, (2005), Optimal Estimation of Electron Lifetimes in the Outer Radiation Belt, AGU Fall Meeting 2005, San Francisco, CA, 3-9 December

Shprits Y. Y., R. M. Thorne, R. Friedel, G. D. Reeves, J. F. Fennell, D. N. Baker, K. Shrikanth, R. B. Horne, (2005), Radial Diffusion as a Potential Source and Loss Mechanism of Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt, AGU Fall Meeting 2005, Eos Trans, 86(52), San Francisco, CA, 3-9 December