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Haas B., Y. Y. Shprits, M. Wutzig, M. Szabo-Roberts, M. Garcia Penaranda, A. M. Castillo Tibocha, J. Himmelsbach, D. Wang, Y. Miyoshi, S. Kasahara, K. Keika, S. Yokota, I. Shinohara, T. Hori, (2024), Global validation of data-assimilative electron ring current nowcast for space weather applications, Scientific Reports, 14, 2327, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-52187-0


du Montcel B., A. Trouche, I. Michaelis, B. Jeanty-Ruard, M. Wutzig, J. Forest, Y. Shprits, (2023), Presentation and validation of the internal charging risk forecast in the PAGER framework, Advances In Space Research, 72, 3666–3676, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2023.07.047

Grishina A., Y. Shprits, M. Sinnhuber, M. Wutzig, D. Wang, A. Drozdov, F. Haenel, M. Szabo-Roberts, (2023), Ring current electron precipitation during multiple geomagnetic storm events: the mechanism and the effect on the atmosphere, IUGG 2023, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berlin, Germany, June 28 – July 11, 2023

Haas B., Y. Y. Shprits, H. J. Allison, M. Wutzig, D. Wang, (2023), A missing dusk-side loss process in the terrestrial electron ring current, Sci. Rep., 13, 970, doi:10.1038/s41598-023-28093-2


ALLISON H., Y. SHPRITS, D. WANG, M. WUTZIG, R. HORNE, S. GLAUERT, A. DROZDOV, (2022), Passing the Alfven Layer by Means of Chorus Acceleration, (invited), AOGS 2022

Haas B., Y. Shprits, H. Allison, M. Wutzig, D. Wang, (2022), Which Parameter Controls Ring Current Electron Dynamics, Frontiers In Astronomy And Space Sciences, 9, 911002, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.911002


Allison H., Y. Shprits, M. Wutzig, D. Wang, A. Drozdov, (2021), Passing the Alfven Layer by Means of Chorus Acceleration, AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, SM23B-01

Aseev N., Y. Shprits, M. Wutzig, (2021), Reanalysis of ring current electron phase space densities using Van Allen Probe observations, convection model and log-normal Kalman filter, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2279


Wutzig M., Y. Shprits, N. Aseev, I. Michaelis, H. Allison, R. Vasile, (2020), Using the VERB-4D code for forecasting Earth’s radiation belt and ring current electron dynamics, (invited), AGU 2020 Fall Meeting