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Shprits Y. Y., I. Michaelis, D. Wang, H. J. Allison, R. Vasile, A. Runov, A. Y. Drozdov, C. T. Russell, V. V. Kalegaev, A. Smirnov, (2023), MLT dependence of relativistic electron scattering into the drift loss cone: Measurements from ELFIN-L on board Lomonosov spacecraft, Authorea Preprints, doi:10.22541/essoar.167898506.66955560/v1

Shprits Y. Y., I. Michaelis, D. Wang, H. Allison, R. Vasile, A. Runov, A. Drozdov, C. T. Russell, V. Kalegaev, A. Smirnov, (2023), MLT Dependence of Relativistic Electron Scattering Into the Drift Loss Cone: Measurements From ELFIN-L on Board Lomonosov Spacecraft, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103342, doi:10.1029/2023GL103342


Shprits Y. Y., V. Angelopoulos, C. T. Russell, R. J. Strangeway, A. Runov, D. Turner, R. Caron, P. Cruce, D. Leneman, I. Michaelis, V. Petrov, M. Panasyuk, I. Yashin, A. Drozdov, C. L. Russell, V. Kalegaev, I. Nazarkov, J. H. Clemmons, (2018), Scientific Objectives of Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation Onboard Lomonosov Satellite, Space Science Reviews, 214, 25, doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0455-4

Shprits Y., R. J. Strangeway, C. T. Russell, I. Michaelis, I. Yashin, V. Kalegaev, I. Nazarkov, V. Angelopoulos, J. Clemmons, P. Cruce, A. Kellerman, V. Petrov, A. Drozdov, D. Turner, M. Panasyuk, R. Caron, C. Russell, A. Runov, (2018), Observations of the trapped and precipitating ionizing radiation from the LEO orbit, 42nd Cospar Scientific Assembly, PRBEM.2-9-18

Shprits Y., V. Angelopoulos, C. Russell, R. Strangeway, A. Runov, D. Turner, R. Caron, P. Cruce, C. Russell, V. Petrov, M. Panasyuk, I. Yashin, A. Drozdov, A. Kellerman, V. Kalegaev, I. Nazarkov, J. Clemmons, I. Michaelis, (2018), Observations of the trapped and precipitating ionizing radiation from the LEO orbit, EGU General Assembly 2018, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7312


Sadovnichii V. A., M. I. Panasyuk, A. M. Amelyushkin, V. V. Bogomolov, V. V. Benghin, G. K. Garipov, V. V. Kalegaev, P. A. Klimov, B. A. Khrenov, V. L. Petrov, S. A. Sharakin, A. V. Shirokov, S. I. Svertilov, M. Y. Zotov, I. V. Yashin, E. S. Gorbovskoy, V. M. Lipunov, I. H. Park, J. Lee, S. Jeong, M. B. Kim, H. M. Jeong, Y. Y. Shprits, V. Angelopoulos, C. T. Russell, A. Runov, D. Turner, R. J. Strangeway, R. Caron, S. Biktemerova, A. Grinyuk, M. Lavrova, L. Tkachev, A. Tkachenko, O. Martinez, H. Salazar, E. Ponce, (2017), “Lomonosov” Satellite—Space Observatory to Study Extreme Phenomena in Space, Space Science Reviews, 212, 1705–1738, doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0425-x