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Lee S., W. Tu, G. S. Cunningham, M. M. Cowee, D. Wang, Y. Y. Shprits, M. G. Henderson, G. D. Reeves, (2024), Simulating Long-Term Dynamics of Radiation Belt Electrons Using DREAM3D Model, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 129, e2023JA032286, doi:10.1029/2023JA032286


Ripoll J. -., M. Denton, V. Loridan, O. Santolik, D. Malaspina, D. P. Hartley, G. S. Cunningham, G. Reeves, S. Thaller, D. L. Turner, J. F. Fennell, A. Y. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, Y. Y. Shprits, X. Chu, G. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, C. A. Kletzing, J. Wygant, M. G. Henderson, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, (2020), How whistler mode hiss waves and the plasmasphere drive the quiet decay of radiation belts electrons following a geomagnetic storm, Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 012005, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1623/1/012005

Ripoll J., M. Denton, V. Loridan, O. Santol{‘{i}}k, D. Malaspina, D. P. Hartley, G. S. Cunningham, G. Reeves, S. Thaller, D. L. Turner, J. F. Fennell, A. Y. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, Y. Y. Shprits, X. Chu, G. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, C. A. Kletzing, J. Wygant, M. G. Henderson, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, (2020), How whistler mode hiss waves and the plasmasphere drive the quiet decay of radiation belts electrons following a geomagnetic storm, Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, 1623, 012005, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1623/1/012005


Ripoll J. -., V. Loridan, M. H. Denton, G. Cunningham, G. Reeves, O. Santolik, J. Fennell, D. L. Turner, A. Y. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, Y. Y. Shprits, S. A. Thaller, W. S. Kurth, C. A. Kletzing, M. G. Henderson, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, (2019), Observations and Fokker-Planck Simulations of the L-Shell, Energy, and Pitch Angle Structure of Earth’s Electron Radiation Belts During Quiet Times, J. Geophys. Res. [Space Physics], 124, 1125-1142, doi:10.1029/2018JA026111

Ripoll J., M. Denton, V. Loridan, O. Santolik, D. Malaspina, D. Hartley, G. S. Cunningham, G. Reeves, S. Thaller, D. L. Turner, J. F. Fennell, A. Y. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, Y. Y. Shprits, X. Chu, G. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, C. A. Kletzin, J. Wygant, M. G. Henderson, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, (2019), How whistler mode hiss waves and the plasmasphere drive the quiet decay of radiation belts electrons following a geomagnetic storm, Astronum


Ripoll J. F., D. Malaspina, V. Loridan, M. Denton, G. Cunningham, G. D. Reeves, O. Santolik, D. L. Turner, X. Chu, J. F. Fennell, A. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, Y. Shprits, S. A. Thaller, G. B. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, C. Kletzing, J. R. Wygant, M. G. Henderson, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, (2018), On the Importance of Hiss Waves and Plasma Density for Sculpting the 3D (L-shell, energy, pitch angle) Structure of the Radiation Belts during Quiet Times, AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, SM21A-06


Ripoll J. F., O. Santolik, G. D. Reeves, W. S. Kurth, M. Denton, V. Loridan, S. A. Thaller, G. Cunningham, C. Kletzing, D. L. Turner, M. G. Henderson, S. Ukhorskiy, A. Drozdov, J. S. Cervantes Villa, Y. Shprits, (2017), Effects of whistler mode hiss waves on the radiation belts structure during quiet times, AGU 2017 Fall Meeting


Turner D., I. Mann, M. Usanova, J. Rodriguez, M. Henderson, V. Angelopoulos, S. Morley, S. Claudepierre, W. Li, A. C. Kellerman, A. Boyd, K. C. Kim, (2014), Observational evidence of competing source and transport processes for relativistic electrons in Earth’s outer radiation belt, 40th Cospar Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia, 2-10 August.